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Black wallpaper | 20 bold designs

Cool and contemporary or moody and mysterious? Black wallpaper is a lot more versatile than people might think. Click to view some of our favourite designs in this bold colour, from the minimal to the maximal.

Acquario, Cole & Sons

This quirky black wallpaper features whimsical fish motifs, adding character to the dark design. The subtle washed design gives the bold colour a little texture.

Black & Blue Abstract Graffiti Wallpaper hero image

Bloom Garden, FEATHR

This beautiful floral design by artist Nina will make your bedroom feel like a bed of roses.

Bloom garden black wallpaper

XinSong01, FEATHR

Constructing collages from found imagery, Chinese artist Xin Song interweaves messages about social and political upheaval into her delicate designs.

Blue Romantic Pretty Floral Wallpaper hero image

Forest Muses, Graham & Brown

Forest Muses black wallpaper is a lush flock wallcovering that needs a second glance. What appears to be a classic damask design is actually a playful scene of forest nymphs.

black beautiful heron wallpaper hero image

Marble Hexagon, FEATHR

This cool geometric design shimmers in the light, giving the black wallpaper a subtle texture. Perfect for any room of the house, but especially great in the bathroom to reflect off the water.

Black marble hexagon wallpaper, FEATHR


The expressive brushwork of artist Aoi Yoshizawa creates a contemporary, abstract design that makes a dramatic statement when in black.

Black wallpaper, FEATHR

Amazonia Dark Wallpaper, Witch & Watchman

This dark, mysterious wallpaper was originally hand painted in oil by designer Helen Wilson. The influences on the design range from botanical paintings and eccentric old Hollywood mansions and stately homes.

teal & blue floral cloud wall mural hero image

Misty Beach, FEATHR

This Nordic design by artist Reeta Ek is reminiscent of a hazy morning on the Baltic coast. The black wallpaper fades to grey, so this wallpaper is perfect if you’re feeling nervous to go for all-out black.

Black wallpaper by Reeta Ek for FEATHR

Neural, FEATHR

This stunning black marble wallpaper was created by experimental photographer and artist Luke Evans. The marbled effect is actually an enlarged photograph of a cow’s brain. But doesn’t it look pretty?

Black marble wallpaper

CON-07 Concrete wallpaper, NLXL

The subdued character of concrete inspired this life-like faux surface effect. The resulting black wallpaper is unique and luxurious in its industrial aesthetic.

grey & gold luxury floral geometric wallpaper hero image

Tattoo Flash 01, FEATHR

This cool and contemporary black wallpaper was created by legendary tattoo artist Liam Sparkes. The black background gives the motifs a moody edge.

Black Cool Designer Tattoo Wallpaper hero image

English Rose, FEATHR

Artist Reeta Ek’s expressive brushwork gives this modern floral wallpaper added drama. The inky background makes the flowers pop.

Black wallpaper by Reeta Ek for FEATHR

Black Board, Mrs Perswall

Black doesn’t have to mean minimal. This educational wallpaper is great for a modern kids room. The black wallpaper appears just like a blackboard – perfect for scribbling on.

Black Embroidered Flower Wall Mural hero image

X-Ray Botanics 01, FEATHR

Artist Hugh Turvey created this finely detailed design by x-raying various flora and fauna and arranging into minimalistic patterns. The beautiful black wallpaper has an orderly, yet elegant aesthetic.

black wallpaper by Hugh Turvey


Discover our full range of designer wallpaper, luxury fabrics and artist-made cushions.



7 black interiors that embrace the dark side

Black kitchen

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