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Meet five awesome talents designing for Feathr.com

Taking artists from one discpline into another is always going to create exciting work.  So here are five artists from outside the wallpaper world who are now creating for Feathr.com…


Dave Towers.  Typographist and graphic designer.



Dave works with large format graffiti pens to create vibrant and textured designs.  One of three from his mini-collection for us.


Otto Press.  Creators and publishers of awesome art books.


Wormfood.  Available in three colour variants.


Peter Judson.  Designer and printmaker.


This is one design of three from a mini-collection he’s developed for us.


Robin van Wijk.  Illustrator and graphic designer.




Casper Heijkenskjöld.  Visual & video artist for fashion, film and music.


This is one design of three from a mini-collection he’s developed for us.


Want to become a Feathr.com artist?  Go here.

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