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New wallpaper from Tamara Piilola: Raindrops

We’ve collaborated with Finnish painter Tamara Piilola to create a nature-inspired wallpaper and wall mural filled with magical realism.

The new design, Raindrops, was originally an oil painting, created as a diptych of canvases.  Raindrops offers viewers a startling experience of nature: full of mystery and light, colour and verdancy.


Raindrops Wall Mural in Vintage Green by Tamara Piilola for FEATHR

Raindrops Wall Mural in Vintage Green by Tamara Piilola for FEATHR


Tamara Piilola is a Finnish artist, renowned for painting large canvases featuring imaginary landscapes. The landscapes are developed from an accumulation of memories stored over time as photographs and sketches. Thin layers of paint, bold brushstrokes and the use of pure pigments combine to flood the paintings with light and depth.


Raindrops Wallpaper in Dusk by Tamara Piilola for FEATHR

Raindrops Wallpaper in Dusk by Tamara Piilola for FEATHR


Raindrops is available in four beautiful colour variants: Vintage Green, Dusk, Spring and Blue. The myriad of colours in the foreground of the painting contrasts with the leafy canopies and lush foliage of the forest behind.


Oh La La Verdigris by Kiki Slaughter for FEATHR

Raindrops Wall Mural in Blue by Tamara Piilola for FEATHR


Raindrops is available both as a wallpaper mural (£49/€59/$69 per square metre) and as repeatable wallpaper panels (£129/€149/$169 per 3 panels).

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