Design Story
In some cases, all you need to create a captivating space is the right combination of colors, such as the ones featured in our pink & red beautiful vintage wallpaper. The design is immaculate with various flowery graphics sitting across a pale pink background. It’s a great way to show off the hues you like the most in rooms like a powder room, den, or bathroom. The contemporary wallpaper looks great in most styles of homes and creates a warm feeling not often seen in modern wall coverings. For those who want to bring the past into today, applying this wallpaper to any room will give you the atmosphere you desire. Try the pink & red beautiful vintage wallpaper anywhere that needs a lighter touch.
Design by FEATHR
Roll coverage width 150cm/59.1in
Roll coverage height 320cm/10.4ft
Repeat type straight
Fire rated Yes
Care Durable & cleanable
Supplied in pre-cut drops each 50cm/19.7in wide.
High quality print & excellent colour accuracy. Easy installation with a step by step guide.
Custom Wallpaper Made Easy
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